Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous à Londres?
Since January 1995, so 21 years
Décrivez-vous. Quartier, famille , hobbies…
J’habite près de Swiss Cottage. Un quartier tranquille – I’ve lived all over London and primarily in fast paced / trendy neighbourhood. Portobello, shoreditch, Brixton, Hampstead… So last year I couldn’t wait for a change of pace! I’m now within 15 minutes of my clients, my best friends, my favourite restaurants and Regent’s Park where I practice my hobby. Flying trapeze!
Quand avez-vous crée votre entreprise?
I’ve been teaching for almost 10 years and started this side project 3.5 years ago. (I’ve worked for myself for decades and prior to my private yoga business I was a ceramicist. I had my own studio shop and sold worldwide.)
Pouvez vous nous expliquer l’originalité de votre société?
I taylor my sessions to the client’s need! I have 3 teacher trainings under my belt, all very different from another, enabling me to teach all levels – from restorative to pressing up into a handstand.
D’apres-vous est-il plus facile de concretiser ses projets en Angleterre?
I have no idea. I came to London at 17 so never worked in France!
Quels conseils donneriez-vous aux futurs entrepreneurs?
Research your market. See what the competition offers. Don’t sell yourself short because once you’ve decided on your prices it will be a few years before you can increase them. Work with integrity – don’t pretend, people will see right through it!
Quelle clientele ciblez vous?
The middle and upper middle class.
Votre restaurant preféré pour faire une pause déjeuner?
It depends where I am!
Greenberry in Primrose Hill.
Mildreads in Camden or Soho.
Ottolenghi in Angel.
The Mae Deli in Marylebone
(I’m a total foodie!)
Vos adresses et sites internet preférés pour faire du buzz
I don’t! I’m lucky enough that my clients are primarily word of mouth!