I came to England in July 2016, just after the Brexit vote, which was a real shock, of course! Initially, the move had been motivated, first and foremost, by our love for England, and London in particular, but also by its extraordinarily vibrant Arts scene.

Thinking of making a Will in the UK, here is why this is a good idea!

Executing a Will may have always been at the back of your mind. Wherever you come from, whatever your personal situation, there are always talks of Estate planning.

I was running the business for Coats PLC in Sri Lanka, and had an appetite to do some more learning & development. So, I ended up studying – part time – for an Executive Masters in Coaching & Consulting for Change at INSEAD’s Singapore Campus.

The UK government has announced that there will be a ‘points based’ UK immigration system in place from 2021. What does all this mean in practice for European nationals looking at moving to or working in the UK long-term?